



Wallpaper wall is patterned paper that is used to coat the walls of the room or the like , but for layering the room using wallpaper is also not easy because it is in need of specialized expertise and done by skilled hands who are used to working on these types of patterned wall paper , so to paste the wall wallpaper room or the room is not as easy as what you've seen in various places

It is easy if you 're used to install the type of paper or the like because it looks easy to attach the wallpaper because they are already accustomed to it if you are not familiar should leave to the experts , because this kind of patterned paper is very risky and easily torn , for that if you want to put your own wallpaper on your home to be careful to stick to the wallpaper so that the paper is not torn .


Wallpaper for walls is currently very much in demand because in addition to easy to find also very fast in working for , so that's the reason many people are turning to these types of patterned paper , especially in big cities like Jakarta , it is very easy to get the kind of the patterned wallpaper , almost in every alley or street has a lot of selling wallpaper with a very affordable price u ntuk all walks of life .

Looking for wallpaper is easy but you have to remember that the wallpaper can last a long time or not also depends on good quality wallpaper glue is not any use to put glue on the wallpaper , and try to look for the best quality wallpaper glue so that wallpaper can last longer in your walls or your favorite room , still if you want all of the above you can consult us because we will gladly give tips how to choose the type of wallpaper and procedures for using or paste in your walls to make it more durable . And to find out how expensive these types of wallpaper wall then below we provide some price list wallpaper in our store .

List Price Wallpaper Wall

1. CHAMPS      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 280.000,-
2. EURO STYLE  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000.-
3. TREASURE    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 268.000.-
4. SUPRA       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 165.000,-
5. BELLAGIO    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000,-
6. MASTER      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 165.000,-
7. EXEL        0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 165.000,-
8. EDENIA      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 170.000,-
9. SCANIA      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 155.000,-
10.RENOVA      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 165.000,-
11.COLOR MART  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 155.000,-
12.ELISE       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 155.000,-
13.PICTON      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 250.000,-
14.MARGARET    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 350.000,-
15.ROYAL       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 350.000,-
16.ART CHOICE  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 165.000,-
17.COLOR COICE 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 170.000,-
18.COMFORT     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 160.000,-
19.NEWSTARWALL 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 165.000,-
20.EMPIRE      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 165.000,-
21.CROWN       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 170.000,-
22.SKY LINE    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 165.000,-
23.MACT        0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 170.000,-
24.EXELLENT    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 175.000,-
25.ART DESIGN  0,90 x 50 mtr         Rp 2.100.000,-
26.SAIL AWAY   0,50 x 5  mtr         Rp 250.000,-/Border
27.SAIL AWAY   0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 170.000,-/Border
28.WAVE COLLEC 0,92 x 13 mtr         Rp 785.000,-
29.SAINTLORENT 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 290.000,-
30.MONTECARLLO 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 295.000,-
31.MARCIA      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 295.000,-
32.SALZBURG    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 295.000,-
33.SANRIOWORLD 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 376.000,-
34.SANRIOWORLD 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 298.000,-/Border
35.FLOWERSEAS  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 260.000,-
36.VICTORY     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 335.000,-
37.ALLURE      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 290.000,-
38.FLOWERS     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000,-
39.CARTER      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 180.000,-
40.COMTEROYAL  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 210.000,-
41.DENISE      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 296.000,-
42.VIDIA       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 260.000,-
43.DESNEY      0,59 x 10 mtr         Rp 360.000,-
44,GRACE       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 300.000,-
45.BESTCOLLEC  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 170.000,-
46.NEWFEELING  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 170.000,-
47.NEXT        0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 180.000,-
48.PASSION     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 230.000,-
49.PACHA       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 230.000,-
50.EZ-ROLLS    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 130.000,-/Border
51.CoMEHAVEFUN 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 265.000,-
52.COMEHAVEFUN 0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 130.000,-/Border
LIFE        0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 245.000,-
LIFE        0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 145.000,-
55.PRAGUE      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 335.000,-
56.HALLO       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 275.000,-
57.NEW YORKER  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 275.000,-
58.IN SEASON   0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000,-
59.IN SEASON   0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 165.000,-/Border
60.ROCOCO      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000,-
Design      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 685.000,-
62.JEWELry     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 850.000,-
FAIRY       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 280.000,-
64.GAIA        0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 270.000,-
COLLECTION  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 185.000,-
66.AMNESIA     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 270.000,-
67.NAPPA       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000,-
68.REGGIO      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000,-
69.REGGIO      0,12 x 10 mtr         Rp 165.000,-/Border
70.LICKYROSE   0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 275.000,-
71.NAPOLEON    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 335.000,-
72.NAPOLEON    0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 178.000,-
HONOUR      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 275.000,-
74.FORTE       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 280.000,-
75.BASSIC      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 170.000,-
76.POPCORN     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 260.000,-
77.POPKORN     0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 155.000,-
78.SOUL        0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000,-
79.WONDER HOME 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 315.000,-
80.ESTONIA     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 355.000,-
81.SONATA      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 275.000,-
82.BEAUTY HOME 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000,-
83.METROPOLIS  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 290.000,-
84.MILLAN      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 290.000,-
85.BARCELONA   0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 300.000,-
86.PARIS       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 300.000,-
87.PRESTIGE    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 235.000,-
HOME        0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 270.000,-
WORD        0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 255.000,-
WORD        0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 130.000,-/Border
91.EMERALD     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 290.000,-
92.EMERALD     0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 135.000,-
93.ELLEGANT    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 190.000,-
94.DECO        0,50 x 50 mtr         Rp 185.000,-
95.GERGEOUS    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 487.000,-
96.HERMITAGE   0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 1.030.000,-
97.HERMITAGE   0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 670.000,-/Border
98.FLOCK       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 1.030.000,-
99.FLOCK       0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 670.000,-/Border
100.ESPRIT     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 1.030.000,-
101.ESPRIT     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 670.000,-/Border
102.TAPESTRY   0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 1.030.000,-
103.SUPRANO    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 325.000,-
104.EURO       0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 170.000,-
105.MILLANO    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 290.000,-
106.ORENTALART 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 635.000,-
107.NEW WALL   0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 175.000,-
108.ROMEO      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 195.000,-
109.THOMAS     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 310.000,-
110.V.I.P      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 325.000,-
111.DRAGONWALL 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 185.000,-
112.DAICHI     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 195.000,-
113.DISNEY     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000,-
PAPER B.B  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 325.000,-
PAPER      0,12 x 5  mtr         Rp 165.000,-/Border
PAPER B.K  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 290.000,-
117.GOOD IDIA  0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 250.000,-
118.LACASA     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 170.000,-
119.BARVO      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 170.000,-
120.SMARTWALLL 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 180.000,-
121.CITYWALL   0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 185.000,-
122.HOLLIDAY   0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 195.000,-
123.GENNESIS   0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 287.000,-
124.ROYAL      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 285.000,-
125.STODIO     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 330.000,-
126.GOOD IMAGE 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 300.000,-
127.LIBERTY    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 300.000,-
128.UNIQ’s     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 265.000,-
129.BLOSSOM    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 265.000,-
130.FULL HOUSE 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 325.000,-
131.VERDE      0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 325.000,-
132.GODIVA     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 325.000,-
133.PLACIDO    0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 230.000,-
134.LILIUM     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 475.000,-
135.REGENA     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 245.000,-
136.GRACIA     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 245.000,-
137.KID’s HOME 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 425.000,-
138.WONDERLAND 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 425.000,-
139.WONDERLAND 0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 425.000,-/Barby
140.BELITA     0,50 x 10 mtr         Rp 425.000,-


1.SUNSHINE     1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 900.000,-
2.J-SCREET     1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 850.000,-
3.ELLYSE       1.06 x 15 mtr         Rp 850.000,-
4.PLACE        1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 900.000,-
5.SOHO         1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 800.000,-
6.ART DECO     1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 1.200.000,-
7.DREAM WORD   1.06 x 15 mtr         Rp 925.000,-
8.KID’s TEENs  1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 925.000,-
9.N-REAL       1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 1.250.000,-
10.CASABENE    1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 850.000,-
11.GREEN AIR   1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 890.000,-
12.BLUE BIKEL  0,95 x 10 mtr         Rp 455.000,-
13.BOSS        1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 848.000,-
14.LOHAS       1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 848.000,-
15.CHARMENT    1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 848.000,-
16.OLIVIA      1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 850.000,-
17.CALLA       1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 850.000,-
18.TERRACE     1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 850.000,-
19.DAON        1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 850.000,-
20.SPACE IN    1,06 x 15 mtr         Rp 850.000,-

The prices above are not including the cost of material and cost of plug and harag subject to change at any time without prior inform